The Future Starts Today

This prezi was the kick-off for the Staff Development module on using a Future Resume as a goal setting and clarification tool. This was one of the modules that I wrote and I designed this prezi as the introduction. I developed a guide to go along with this that both helped build resume writing skills as well as learning a goal setting tool for setting long term goals and then building backwards towards the next physical action in order to make them more manageable.

Building Bridges to Promote Change

The National Coalition Building Inistitute (NCBI): Delaware Chapter was asked to put together a session for the Blue Hen Leadership Program (BHLP). The BHLP is a fantastic leadership development series that the University of Delaware puts on. For more information on the program see here Ultimately we ended up not presenting the session due to scheduling. This is the Prezi that I put together for the joint presentation I had worked on. We adapted it from NCBI training and session materials

What is it that you are doing when you are leading at your personal best?

We have been piloting a learning-outcomes based staff development module program. We are currentlly in our second year and I created this Prezi as an intro to the Sept Module that introduced our over-arching leadership development theory (The 5 Exemplarly Leadership Practices by Kouzes and Posner) and SMART Goal Setting.

Each RA watched this on their own before they began the module. I created this to replace an artcle on leadership to make it more visually appealing. I utilized text from the Student Leaderership Challenge by Kouzes and Posner for the Prezi.